We are seeing a lot more fraudulent cards coming through lately. The crooks are trying to get smarter. There is a URL address coming out of Holland. They are putting in the QR codes this fake web address making the cards look valid but they are NOT. The good URL to go to verify UTA cards, which is what we put in every valid card QR code, is:
Real http://verify.outreachportal.com/AVer.cfm?CAD=3143024&TYPE=NT&common=44&edc=2
Here is the Fraudulent website: Not real https://verify.outreachportal.online/Aver.cfm?CAD=24-571984580
Notice the valid web address is .com and the fraudulent is .online.
Posted by Michelle Bradshaw on 01/24/2023 |
The University of Texas at Arlington
Global Educational Outreach & Extended Studies
OSHA Education Center
Box 19197 Arlington, TX 76019
Phone: (817) 272-2581
Toll Free: 1-866-906-9190
Fax: (817) 272-2556